Health Shots


Discover the ancient secret to optimal health with our Golden Health Shot, carefully crafted with the goodness of Turmeric and Piperine. This powerful elixir is designed to invigorate your well- being and unlock a wealth of health benefits in just one daily shot.

The Power of Turmeric: Turmeric, a golden spice derived from the Curcuma longa plant, has been revered for centuries in traditional medicine for its exceptional health-promoting properties. Packed with a potent antioxidant compound called curcumin, Turmeric offers a myriad of benefits for your body and mind.


- Turmeric Extract
- Black Pepper Extract

Natural Anti-Inflammatory:
Turmeric's curcumin helps combat inflammation, which is at the root of various chronic diseases. Regular consumption may aid in reducing joint pain and stiffness.
Immune Booster:
Turmeric's immune-boosting properties can fortify your body's defence against infections and support overall immune function.
Antioxidant Rich:
With its potent antioxidant content, Turmeric helps neutralize harmful free radicals, protecting your cells from oxidative stress and premature aging.
Digestive Aid:
Turmeric stimulates the production of bile, promoting better digestion and aiding in relieving indigestion and bloating.
Heart Health:
Studies suggest that Turmeric may support heart health by helping maintain healthy cholesterol levels and improving overall cardiovascular function.
Hangover Cure:
The anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties of Turmeric can potentially alleviate the discomfort of a hangover, making this shot a reliable recovery remedy.

The Piperine Advantage: Our Golden Health Shot takes it a step further by including Piperine, a natural compound found in black pepper. Piperine enhances the bioavailability of curcumin, making it easier for your body to absorb and utilize all the incredible benefits of Turmeric.


Discover the time-honored wisdom of Ayurveda with our Triphala Health Shot, crafted with the harmonious blend of three powerful fruits - Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki. This unique elixir is designed to rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul, promoting holistic well-being with every daily shot.

The Health Benefits of Triphala: Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation known for its remarkable health benefits. The combination of Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki offers a wide array of advantages that have been cherished for centuries.


- Indian gooseberry
- Chebulic Myrobalan
- Beleric

Digestive Support:
Triphala is renowned for its gentle yet effective support in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It aids in relieving occasional constipation and promotes regular bowel movements, leading to better gut health.
Antioxidant Powerhouse:
Rich in antioxidants, Triphala helps combat oxidative stress, reducing cell damage caused by free radicals and supporting overall cellular health.
Immune Booster:
By bolstering the body's natural defenses, Triphala enhances immune function, helping you stay resilient against infections and illnesses.
Triphala aids in natural detoxification, assisting the body in eliminating toxins and impurities, which can contribute to improved skin health and overall vitality.
Balanced Doshas:
According to Ayurveda, Triphala helps balance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), promoting harmony within the body and optimizing overall wellness.


Unleash the power of nature's finest with our Vitality Boost Shot, thoughtfully crafted with the dynamic duo of Ashwagandha and Sea Moss. This potent elixir is designed to revitalize your body and mind, empowering you to embrace life with renewed energy and enthusiasm, one shot at a time.


- Ashwagandha
- Sea Moss

The Health Benefits of Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha, also known as "Indian Ginseng," is a revered adaptogenic herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Its exceptional health benefits have made it a staple in traditional wellness practices.

Stress Reduction:
Ashwagandha helps combat the effects of stress and anxiety by regulating cortisol levels, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
Energy and Stamina:
This adaptogenic herb supports healthy energy levels, enhancing stamina and endurance, making it ideal for those leading active lifestyles.
Cognitive Function:
Ashwagandha may improve cognitive abilities, including memory, focus, and mental clarity, helping you stay sharp and attentive.
Immune Support:
With its immune-enhancing properties, Ashwagandha bolsters the body's defences, assisting in overall wellness.
Balancing Hormones:
Ashwagandha has been used to support hormonal balance in both men and women, contributing to reproductive health and overall well-being.

The Health Benefits of Sea Moss: Sea Moss, a nutrient-dense algae found in the ocean, is a true powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals.

Rich in Nutrients:
Sea Moss is packed with vital nutrients like iron, iodine, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K, supporting various bodily functions.
Digestive Health: This marine wonder aids in soothing the digestive tract and may help alleviate issues like indigestion and bloating.
Skin Nourishment:
The abundant minerals in Sea Moss can help promote healthy, radiant skin, making it a favourite in natural beauty regimens.
Immune Boost:
With its immune-strengthening properties, Sea Moss reinforces the body's natural defences, helping you stay resilient against environmental threats.
Joint Support:
Sea Moss is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially contributing to joint health and comfort.